Air/ East


pentacle19 Air is represented by the Direction/ Guardian of the Watchtower of the East quarter and the colors Yellow or White. Air is the element of the East, connected to the soul and the breath of life. It is the element of creativity, mental activity, and inspiration (to be able to breathe in) and is used for divination and prophecy. Air is connected to the soul. It is considered masculine in nature. When we work with Air we think of the divine breath of Spirit, the ability to move through space and time, and the wisdom that comes from our experience and study. When we invite Air into our circle at the east quarter we draw forth the sacred breath of life with vigor and clarity. Like the element of earth, air also has a long list of angelic and deity correspondences.

Celtic Name: Airt

Moon: Waxing Moon

Planetary Being: Mercury

Type of Magick: the magic of the 4 winds, visualization, or divination

Wind: Orient

Chakras: Crown, Heart, & Throat

Ritual Tool: Dagger or Wand

Incense: Sandalwood, Mallow, or Galbanum

Plants: Acacia, anise, aspen, benzoin, clover, dill, frankincense, lavender, lemongrass, myrrh, pine, primrose, vervain, violet, or yarrow

Spirits: Sylph

Tarot Suit: Swords

Day of the Week: Wednesday

Time: Dawn

Season: Spring

Gods/Goddesses: Enlil, Kheoheva, Merawrim, Shu, Aradia, Cardea, Nuit, Lugh, or Nu

Stone/Gem: Topaz, Pumice, Crystal, Amethyst, or Alexandrite

Sabbats: Ostara & Imbolc

Zodiac: Gemini (air as it changes direction), Libra (air in early movement), or Aquarius (air as it stalls over the earth)

Human Element: Intellect

Air People are spontaneous, optimistic, bold charismatic, active, and enthusiastic. Light-hearted, and risk-taking. At their worst, they can be restless, careless, impulsive, unpredictable, naive, and cynical.


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